If you are using for the first time, please register as a new member
Please proceed with the procedure for new member registration from the “Create an account” link on the site.
After registration is complete, we will send you an email confirming your registration.
Please check the email that arrived at the email address you entered.
Please use the link in the email to send us your password, username, country and other information.
If we can confirm the information, it will be officially registered.
You can search for vehicles by narrowing down according to your desired conditions.
If you cannot find the vehicle you are looking for, please contact us from the “Request” menu on My Page. We will find a car that meets your requirements.
Once you find the vehicle you want, you can place an order by clicking the “Send order” button.
You can add the vehicle you are interested in to your favorites list by clicking the “Add favorites list” button.
You can check the status of the ordered vehicle (such as remittance confirmation status and whether you are leaving the port) at any time from My Page.
Our staff with specialized knowledge will respond in good faith.
Please download the following PDF for details on how to buy.
PDF download (Russian)Please download the following PDF for details on how to buy.
PDF download (Mongolian)